Secret Design Studio
Secret Design Studio is a small, boutique building and interior design studio that specialises in retro homes of the 1950’s, 1960’s and 1970’s.
11 hours ago
The butterfly roof, as seen in these photos of the 'Hickford House', Anglesea, is one of those architectural elements that can cause great joy with its simple upswept roofs and also great anguish if not properly maintained. In 1930, Le Corbusier, the Swiss-French architect, was one of the first users of the butterfly roof form in his design of Maison Errazuris, a vacation house in Chile.With a butterfly roof, two roofs form a valley and run down to a central box gutter, collecting rainwater, leaves, branches and stray tennis balls. Their design means it is more difficult to spot any damage that might have occurred to the roof or when maintenance is required, as much of the roof is hidden by the pitch of the roof.They are not widely used today as they have a long, tragic history of getting blocked, overflowing and causing wood rot and other damage to the roof structure.Fortunately, the vendors of this beauty in Anglesea have realised the potential for catastrophic damage and have kept the box gutter, the roof and the rest of the property in fairly good nick. Let’s hope the new owners keep up the maintenance…Currently on the market…www.domain.com.au/1-craigdarroch-avenue-anglesea-vic-3230-2019704772